CellMek SPS

Sample Preparation System

Since 1986 we have automated and innovated tools to empower process optimization in laboratories across the globe. Now we enter the next level of lean processing by introducing the CellMek SPS system, designed to automate an end-to-end flow cytometry sample preparation workflow without user intervention. Cut stress. Boost flexibility.

The CellMek SPS system helps you unlock the power of lean by addressing major process wastes related to sample preparation in your clinical flow cytometry laboratory.

  • Drives Efficiency via Automation.
  • Standardizes Processes & Reduces Potential for Error.
  • Ensures Flexibility Via User-Defined Protocols.
  • Provides Confidence in Results facilitated by a full audit trail.
  • Frees up lab staff to deal with more value-added tasks.

CellMek SPS Features

The CellMek SPS system helps your lab reach the next level of process optimization. It is designed to simultaneously manage various preparation methods in random access while providing continuous loading, optimizing efficiency and traceability.

Customized Flexibility

  • Panel Designer Software lets you easily design your own protocols
  • CellMek SPS takes care of scheduling - no need to batch by application
  • Many options such as lysis, washing steps and volumes to pipet

Uninterrupted Workflow

  • Onboard washing capability with customizable washing steps
  • Both pre- and post-washes are optional steps of the sample prep workflow
  • Automated rocking and cap piercing - no need to manually unscrew specimen tube caps

Optimized Time to Result

  • Continuous loading & unloading of samples through tube-specific cassettes
  • Parallel Processing to help optimize scheduling and sample throughput
  • Output carousel can be retrieved to start sample analysis while system prepares more samples

Traceable Inventory

  • A refrigerated 53-position liquid antibody carousel means reagents can remain onboard
  • Capacity for up to 12 DURACartridges - our innovative new format for dry reagents
  • All reagents and consumables are barcoded to provide automated tracking for a full audit trail

Introducing the CellMek SPS


Unlock the Power of Lean

The CellMek SPS System is designed to enable lean processing. The LEAN concept provides a systematic approach to look at workflows to take out all non-value adding process steps, the so-called process wastes, in order to increase efficiency. The CellMek SPS System addresses the challenges associated with complex sample preparation in flow cytometry to increase lab efficiency and helps you to cope with increasing workloads. Are you ready to Unlock the Power of Lean?

CellMek SPS – Unlock the Power of Lean
Icon Optimize your Workflows

Increase Your Lab Efficiency
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Icon Reduce Wastes

Reduce Process Wastes
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Icon increase your lab Efficiency

Optimize Your Workflows
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Icon Traceability and Compliance

Full Traceability and Compliance
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Icon Automate Processes

Automate Your Processes
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Learn more about CellMek SPS

CellMek SPS System:​ Características del Instrumento​

Explore CellMek SPS Models

CellMek SPS Specifications

Software Panel Designer Software
Regulatory Status IVD, CE-IVD
Power Requirements 220 - 240 V, 50 Hz, 10 A
Weight 187 kg(412.3 lb)
Width 112 cm(44.1 in)
Depth 81 cm(31.9 in)
Height 111.8 cm(44 in)

Content and Resources

How CellMek SPS Sample Preparation System helps to address the 8 Wastes of Lean Processing CellMek SPS helps to address 8 wastes of lean processing: Defects, Overproduction, Waiting, Non-utilized talent, Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Extra-processing.
How the CellMek SPS Sample Preparation System helps to Reduce Manual Processing Infographic comparing Standard Workflow to Connected CellMek SPS Workflow

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